
AR|VR 扩展扩展了 SketchUp Viewer for Hololens 应用程序的功能,为您提供了一个快速简单的一键式选项,可将您在 SketchUp 中处理的项目直接发布到您的 Microsoft HoloLens 设备。它还可用于发布到 VR 应用程序,作为将模型放入 VR 的简单方法。

此扩展目前可与 SketchUp Viewer for HoloLens 应用程序配合使用,该应用程序可从 Microsoft Store 以及任何运行 SketchUp Viewer for VR 的受支持虚拟现实设备购买。

要了解有关 AR|VR 扩展或 SketchUp 查看器的更多信息,请访问 SketchUp 帮助中心。

如果您想咨询 SketchUp Viewer 的批量许可,请联系 SketchUp 销售团队。
作者:SketchUp 团队
描述:SketchUp 团队使用我们的 API 来构建各种专业工具。其中一些扩展名p 与 SketchUp 作为成熟的功能,有些只是如何使用我们的 API 的示例。
The AR|VR Extension extends the functionality of the SketchUp Viewer for Hololens application by giving you a quick & easy, one-click option to publish projects you’re working on in SketchUp directly to your Microsoft HoloLens device. It can also be used to publish to VR applications as an easy way to get models into VR.

This extension currently works with the SketchUp Viewer for HoloLens application, which can be purchased from the Microsoft Store as well as any supported virtual reality device running SketchUp Viewer for VR.

To learn more about  the AR|VR Extension, or the SketchUp Viewer, please visit the SketchUp Help Center.

If you would like to inquire about volume licensing for the SketchUp Viewer, please contact the SketchUp Sales team.
