创建 3 种类型的网格:2D、2.5D、3D 网格


每个二维网格都是一个命名组。每个 3D 网格都是一个命名组,其中包含所有 2D 网格作为命名组。

v 1.0.1 中的新功能:

绘制网格时,网格的 RVB 轴现在可见。

推断锁定 RG 平面可用(Shift 键)。

Web 对话框而不是输入框。

有关如何本地化的信息,请参阅插件中的 Resources 文件夹。
作者:Didier B.
Creates 3 types of grids: 2D, 2.5D, 3D grids

X,Y,Z steps parametric, grid can be draw at any orientation on any plane. Guide line type selectable, including continuous line.

Each 2D grid is a named group. Each 3D grid is a named group with all the 2D grids as named groups within it.


New in v 1.0.1:

RVB axes of the grid are now visible when drawing it.

Inference to lock RG plane available (Shift key).

Web dialog instead of input box.

See the Resources folder within the plugin on how to localize.

3D 网格工具