
注意:Targeting 总是从整个模型中获取数据和目标组和组件。例外是当你在一个之内时,即。打开它时(编辑模式)。 Targeting 然后继续从整个模型中获取数据,但仅针对当前打开的那些组和组件。一次使 1000 多个实例“唯一”可能会非常慢。在开始此类操作之前保存文件。

作者:Marko L.
Target groups and components according to their data.
Arrange a combination of attributes for targeting.
Narrow and expand your search options.
Count the groups and components that match the attributes, add them to the selection, make them unique in the advanced way.
Return the definitions that group or component had before you made it unique.
Pick up the definition of groups or components and apply them to others.

Note: The Targeting always takes data and target groups and components from the entire model. The exception is when you are within one, ie. when you open it (editing mode). The Targeting then continues to take data from the entire model, but targets only those groups and components that are within the currently open. Making “unique” more than 1000 instances at once it can be very slow. Save the file before starting such an operation.

This is my first extension and I decided to relase a free version with all functions. The only limitation is that you have the abili
