这是一个快速启动器,用于查找 SketchUp 的功能,包括(最重要的)您已安装的扩展。

# **LaunchUp** 现在变成了 **_Search_**! ✨🎉🎆
如果您还没有完成,请到这里安装 [SketchUp Pro 2022](https://www.sketchup.com/download/all),按 shift+S 并享受内置的搜索功能。


## 用法

菜单扩展 → LaunchUp – 工具启动器

(一个好主意是创建一个快捷方式,如 ctrl+space

– 您可以**搜索**原生 SketchUp 功能以及插件
然后用鼠标或 enter 键选择它们。

– 使用 **push pin** 按钮,您可以在执行命令后保持 LaunchUp 打开。

– **时钟**按钮切换最近使用的命令列表。这是一个动态工具酒吧!

– 搜索 _“LaunchUp – 选项”_ 以更改设置。

## 捐款

This is a quick launcher for finding features of SketchUp, including (and most importantly) extensions that you have installed.

# **LaunchUp** has now become **_Search_**! ✨🎉🎆
If you haven’t done yet, go here and install [SketchUp Pro 2022](https://www.sketchup.com/download/all), press shift+S and enjoy the built-in search feature.

This extension will remain available for older versions, but development has concluded.

## Usage

Menu Extensions → LaunchUp – Tool Launcher

(A good idea is to create a shortcut like ctrl+space)

– You can **search** for native SketchUp functions as well as plugins
and select them by mouse or enter key.

– With **push pin** button you can keep LaunchUp open after executing a command.

– The **clock** button toggles a list of recently used commands. It’s a dynamic toolbar!

– Search for _”LaunchUp – Options”_ to change settings.

## Donations

If you found this extension useful, you can [leave a tip](https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=LR4SJCCTUCKBN)!
