将任何 SketchUp 模型变成移动增强现实体验!

SightSpace View 扩展创建特殊的二维码,可以使用免费的配套移动应用程序扫描这些二维码,以在现实世界中显示您的 SketchUp 模型。从会议室到蓝图再到工作现场,在放置二维码的任何地方都可以与数字模型进行交互。通过移动您的移动设备以查看所有角度并了解规模和背景,以虚拟方式探索任何空间。在上下文中体验设计并按比例缩放、拍摄和共享照片以及查看相关信息(包括模型描述)。

想看看正在建设中的建筑完工后的样子吗?想知道在进行项目之前改造在上下文中会是什么样子吗?需要在现实世界中查看按比例缩放的项目? SightSpace View 让手表设计栩栩如生!

立即试用 SightSpace View,享受五个免费月del 从您的二维码下载。

注意:SightSpace View 创建与 SightSpace V 兼容的二维码
描述:总部位于科罗拉多州博尔德的 Limitless Computing, Inc. 是一家专注于增强现实的移动云公司。我们用于 Trimble SketchUp 的增强现实产品 SightSpace 套件使用 mo 预先可视化建筑物、材料、固定装置等
Turn any SketchUp model into a mobile augmented reality experience! 

The SightSpace View extenstion creates special QR-codes that can be scanned with the free companion mobile app to display your SketchUp model in the real-world. Interact with digital models anywhere a QR-code is placed, from the conference room to blueprints to the jobsite. Virtually explore any space by moving your mobile device to view all angles and understand scale and context.  Experience designs in context and to-scale, take and share photos, and view associated information including model description.

Want to see how a building under construction will look when completed? Curious how a remodel will look in context before undertaking a project? Need to see items to scale, in the real-world? Watch designs come to life with SightSpace View! 

Try SightSpace View now and enjoy five free model downloads from your QR-codes. 

NOTE: SightSpace View creates QR codes that are compatible with the SightSpace V
