Containerhouse.AI™ 1.0 使用随机放置和旋转来为集装箱(和其他)平面图提供潜在的布局。

该产品源于我们在设计和销售定制 ISO 容器方面的经验。客户经常询问在不挤占空间的情况下,平面图可以容纳多少家具、电器、电气柜等,该程序允许用户生成数百甚至数千个潜在布局,每个布局都没有组件碰撞/重叠。


室内设计师也会喜欢使用 Containerhouse.AI™ 来激发想法和与客户对话。速度计算的发展意味着人类设计师永远无法构思和评估我们可以生成的平面图的数量
描述:四十多年来,Containerhouse 一直在用钢制 ISO 运输集装箱完成不可能的事情。我们重新利用现有容器,并从头开始建造建筑物和结构。\r\n\r\n2015 年,我们对软件容器产生了兴趣
Containerhouse.AI™ 1.0 uses random placements and rotations to offer potential layouts for container (and other) floor plans.

This product grew out of our experience in designing and selling customized ISO containers. Customers frequently ask how many furnishings, appliances, electrical cabinets, etc., can fit in a floor plan without crowding out the space, and this program allows users to generate hundreds–or even thousands–of potential layouts, each free of component collision/ overlap.

Cargo packing is another application; by selecting the ‘random floor height’ option, users can determine if a collection of boxes and crates for containerization, for instance, can be packed in such a way as to minimize the number of containers.

Interior designers will also appreciate the use of Containerhouse.AI™ to stimulate ideas and conversations with clients. The speed of computing means that a human designer could never conceive and evaluate the number of floor plans that we can gener
