nz_ConvertMe 还允许将组件批量转换为组,反之亦然。


ConvertMe 到组件:
将选择中的所有组转换为独立组件,请注意轴现在设置为世界轴,这在 Sketchup 环境中通常是这种情况。选择中的预先存在的组件将保持不变


提取 ID
提取您希望在转换未来组件或组时使用的组件 ID

将选择中的所有组和组件转换为与提取的 ID 相同

在组或组件具有实例名称的所有情况下,该名称将 remain 转换的实例名称。
nz_EasyGroups 是进一步控制和方便 Outliner 以及组和组件命名的有效方法
作 者:娜塔莱·扎皮亚
This extension allows for the mass-conversion of Groups and Component to match a preselected Component Identity,
nz_ConvertMe also allows the mass-conversion of Components to Groups and vice-versa.

Streamline your workflow with the following functions.

ConvertMe To Components:
Converts all groups within a selection into independent components, note that the axes are now set to world axes as is usually the case within the Sketchup Environment.  Pre-existing Components within the selection will remain intact

ConvertMe To Groups:
Converts all components within a selection in to groups

Extract ID
Extracts the Component ID you wish to use when converting future Components or Groups

Apply ID
Converts all Groups and Components within a selection to be identical to the Extracted ID

In all cases where a group or component has an instance name that name will remain the instance name of the conversion. 
nz_EasyGroups is a effective way to assume further control and convenient over Outliner and the naming of Groups and Components
