当您的免费试用期结束时,FlatText 将继续工作,但一些 Power Tools 将被禁用。换句话说,基本的 FlatText 仍然是免费的!

我们喜欢 SketchUp!但是文字,没那么多。

因为 SketchUp 文本是一个“面向我”的对象,它会四处跳动,不会在您围绕模型旋转时停留在原地。而且因为没有两个应用程序以相同的方式显示文本,所以很难将所见即所得的文本输出到打印机或 CAD。所以我们发明了 FlatText。

这是刻字老派 – 使用矢量(边缘)而不是位图。

与 3D 文本一样,它会随您放置并停留在那里。与 3D 文本不同,您可以编辑它的所有内容。 FlatText 字符比 3D Text 字符更“精简”(边缘更少)。

无需再清理导出的 CAD 文本。你可以设置文本、引导线和箭头的颜色 – 非常适合在 PrettyPrint™ 中控制线宽,或者只是让事情变得有趣! FlatTexts 也可以有不透明的背景,这样你的文本就可以“擦除”它背后的东西,以获得更具可读性的绘图。

甚至还有一个 API,以便您可以从其他插件调用 FlatText。无需执照!开发人员:有关详细信息,请参阅 FlatText 网页。
作者:Dave P.
When your free trial expires, FlatText will keep on working, but some of the Power Tools will be disabled. In other words, basic FlatText is still FREE!

We LOVE SketchUp! But the text, not so much.

Because SketchUp text is a “face me” object, it jumps around and will not stay put as you orbit your model. And because no two apps show text the same way, it is hard to get WYSIWYG text output to printers or CAD. So we invented FlatText.

This is lettering done Old School – using vectors (edges) instead of bitmaps.

Like 3D Text, it goes where you put it, and stays there. Unlike 3D Text, you can edit everything about it. And FlatText characters are much “leaner” (fewer edges) than 3D Text characters.

No more cleaning up your exported text in CAD. You can set the colors of the text, leader lines, and arrowheads – perfect for controlling line weights in PrettyPrint™, or just jazzing things up! FlatTexts can also have opaque backgrounds so your text “erases” things behind it for more readable drawings.

There’s even an API so that you can call FlatText from other plugins. No license required! Developers: See the FlatText web page for details.
