
此扩展类似于 SketchUp 团队的 [贝塞尔曲线工具](https://extensions.sketchup.com/en/content/bezier-curve-tool“贝塞尔曲线工具”),不同之处在于它绘制贝塞尔曲线以通过通过您选择的点,而不是将它们用作曲线的控制点。

1. 选择“绘制”>“通过点的贝塞尔曲线”
2. 在值控制框(VCB)中将曲线的阶数设置为比您希望曲线通过的点数少一。您可以随时更改此值,甚至在您开始创建曲线之后。
6. 重复从 2\ 开始的步骤。得到你需要的所有曲线

此外,无耻地插入了几个付费扩展在我的作品中,创建曲线后,您可以使用 [贝塞尔曲线管理器](https://extensions.sketchup.com/en/content/bezier-curve-manager “贝塞尔曲线管理器”) 来如果需要,可以进一步修改它们或使用 [通过点的 B 样条曲线](https://extensions.sketchup.com/en/content/b-spline-curves-through-points “通过点的 B 样条曲线”) 来创建具有更多选项的曲线。
作 者:Jacob S.
This extension is similar to the [Bezier Curve Tool](https://extensions.sketchup.com/en/content/bezier-curve-tool “Bezier Curve Tool”) from the SketchUp Team except that this draws the Bezier curves to pass through the points you select instead of using them as the control points for the curves.

To draw the Bezier curves:
1. Choose Draw > Bezier Curves through points
2. Set the degree of the curve in the Value Control Box(VCB) to be one less than the number of points you want the curve to pass through. You can change this value at any time, even after you start creating a curve.
3. Click to set a start point
4. Click again to set the end point of the curve
5. Click to set the intermediate points you want the curve to pass through
6. Repeat the steps from 2\. to get all the curves you need

Also, shamelessly plugging a couple of paid extensions of mine, once the curve(s) have been created, you can use the [Bezier Curve Manager](https://extensions.sketchup.com/en/content/bezier-curve-manager “Bezier Curve Manager”) to modify them further if required or use [B-Spline Curves through points](https://extensions.sketchup.com/en/content/b-spline-curves-through-points “B-Spline Curves through points”) to create the curves with more options.
