
使用 Rational Bezier Surface Tool 对可以无限缩放的光滑表面进行建模,从而允许更自然和复杂的表面。


Draw->Rational Bezier Surface 将在原点周围绘制一个默认的有理贝塞尔曲面,并将您放入新绘制曲面的编辑工具中。


要更改非末端控制点的权重,请将光标悬停在要更改其权重的控制点上,使其为 hi以绿色突出显示,键入您想要的新权重,不要将光标从控制点移开,然后按 enter 或 return 键以影响曲面的形状。

编辑工具还允许您选择控制网格的 16 个控制点之一或 24 条线之一并移动它们,以便按照您想要的方式操纵表面。


移动所选点时可以进行推理,使用 Shift 键沿轴进行推理锁定也是如此。

在移动过程中按 Esc 键会将表面重置为移动开始前的状态。

另外,厚颜无耻的插上我的一个付费扩展,可以使用[Rational Bezier Surface Properties](https://extensions.sketchup.com/en/content/rational-bezier-surface-properties “Rational Bezier Surface Properties”)修改表面进一步如果需要。
作 者:Jacob S.
Use the Rational Bezier Surface Tool to model smooth surfaces that can be scaled indefinitely, allowing for more natural and intricate surfaces.

You can find the Rational Bezier Surface Tool in the Draw menu, as well as in the Right Mouse Button context menu once a rational Bezier surface created/edited using this tool is selected.

Draw->Rational Bezier Surface will draw a default rational Bezier surface around the origin and put you into the editing tool for the newly drawn surface.

Selecting an existing rational Bezier surface drawn/edited with this tool and using Edit Rational Bezier Surface in the Right Mouse Button context menu will also activate the editing tool for the selected surface.

To change the weight of a non-end control point, hover the cursor over the control point you want to change the weight of so that it is highlighted in green, type the new weight you want for it, without moving the cursor away from the control point, and press enter or return to influence the shape of the surface.

The editing tool also allows you to select either one of the 16 control points or one of the 24 lines of the control grid and move them in order to manipulate the surface to be the way you want it to be.

Note that the effect of changing a weight is different from that of moving the control point.

Inferencing is available when the selected point is moved and so is inference locking along the axes using the Shift key.

Hitting the Esc key during a move will reset the surface to be the way it was before the move started.

Also, shamelessly plugging a paid extension of mine, you can use [Rational Bezier Surface Properties](https://extensions.sketchup.com/en/content/rational-bezier-surface-properties “Rational Bezier Surface Properties”) to modify the surface(s) further if required.
