
## 用法

菜单:_Extensions → Draw Wires_

– 输入一个数字 + `s` 来改变曲线段的数量:`24s`

– 键入一个数字 + `%` 来设置弧长(相对于源点和目标点之间的距离):`120%`

– 输入长度以设置固定弧长:`72.5m` 或 `30.66″`

## 捐款

This tool allows to draw physically accurate wires and ropes (catenary curves) between two points with only two clicks.

## Usage

Menu: _Extensions → Draw Wires_

– Type a number + `s` to change the number of curve segments: `24s`

– Type a number + `%` to set an arc length (relative to the distance between source and target point): `120%`

– Type a length to set a fixed arc length: `72.5m` or `30.66″`

## Donations

If you found this extension useful, you can [leave a tip](https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=LR4SJCCTUCKBN)!
