
此扩展程序向绘图菜单添加了一个工具栏和项目,其中包含用于从 [非有理数](https:// extensions.sketchup.com/en/content/bezier-curve-tool) 和 [rational](https://extensions.sketchup.com/en/content/rational-bezier-curve-tool) 贝塞尔曲线、圆弧、圆和行,如上面的动画(单击缩略图)所示。


当使用 Shift 键移动控制点或线以及推理锁定时,推理可用。按 Esc 键g 移动会将表面重置为移动开始前的状态。

为了更改非结束控制点的权重,将光标悬停在要更改其权重的控制点上,使其以绿色突出显示,键入您想要的新权重,不要将光标移开从控制点,然后按 enter/return 键来影响曲面的形状。


请注意,这是 [Bezier Surfaces from Curves](https://extensions.sketchup.com/en/content/bezier-surfaces-curves) 扩展的延续。此外,无耻地插入我的另一个付费扩展,[Rational Bezier Surface Properties](https://extensions.sketchup.com/en/content/rational-bezier-surface-properties) 扩展可用于编辑结果贝塞尔曲面的属性,例如度数和用于表示/显示它的段数。
作 者:Jacob S.
This extension adds a toolbar and items to the Draw menu with tools to create **Skinned**, **Ruled with Spine** and **Coons with Spine** rational Bezier surfaces from [non-rational](https://extensions.sketchup.com/en/content/bezier-curve-tool) and [rational](https://extensions.sketchup.com/en/content/rational-bezier-curve-tool) Bezier curves, arcs, circles and lines, as demonstrated in the animations(click the thumbnails) above.

Once the surface has been created, the tools will put you into the editing tool for the newly drawn surface. If needed, the surface can be edited to be the way you want it to be by moving the points or lines of the resulting control net or adjusting the “weights” of the control points.

Inferencing is available when a control point or line is moved along with inference locking using the Shift key. Hitting the Esc key during a move will reset the surface to the way it was before the move started.

In order to change the weight of a non-end control point, hover the cursor over the control point you want to change the weight of so that it is highlighted in green, type the new weight you want for it, without moving the cursor away from the control point, and press enter/return to influence the shape of the surface.

Later, selecting an existing Bezier surface drawn/edited with these tools and using Edit Rational Bezier Surface in the Right Mouse Button Context menu will also activate the editing tool for the selected surface.

Note that this a continuation of the [Bezier Surfaces from Curves](https://extensions.sketchup.com/en/content/bezier-surfaces-curves) extension. Also, shamelessly plugging another of my paid extensions, the [Rational Bezier Surface Properties](https://extensions.sketchup.com/en/content/rational-bezier-surface-properties) extension can be used to edit the resultant Bezier surface’s properties such as degree(s) and number of segments used to represent/display it.
