RoundCorner 以 3 种模式沿 2D 轮廓对 3D 形状的边角进行圆化处理:
– 圆角
– 尖角
– 斜面。

RoundCorner 还支持凹角(始终呈现为圆形)和非正交边面。

角可以有 2、3 或更多条边。

RoundCorner 在 Sketchucation 上发布。您只需要注册,这是免费的。

单击下面的链接访问 RoundCorner 的插件页面,您可以在其中下载扩展程序并获取更多信息
RoundCorner performs the rounding of the edges and corners of 3D shapes along a 2D profile, in 3 modes:
– Round corners
– Sharp cornerr
– Bevel.

RoundCorner also supports concave corners (always rendered as Round) and non-orthogonal edge faces.

Corners can have 2, 3, or more edges.

RoundCorner is published on Sketchucation. You just need to register, which is FREE.

Click on the link below to access the Plugin page of RoundCorner, where you can download the extension and get more information
