DBS – 从线中绘制管道

## 工作方式:

– 在模型中选择要绘制管道的边
– 从菜单运行扩展 – 从线中绘制管道 PRO
– 设置单位、管道尺寸、长度偏移和管道圆度参数
– 按确定按钮
– 如果您愿意,从生成的报告中复制管道列表及其长度

# 检查我们的 3 级管道扩展:

– 高级 👉 [2020 年管材配置文件](https://extensions.sketchup.com/extension/53d0af80-5a4d-4cb7-a823-8e7dfac3d6df/pipes-tubes-profiles-2020)

– 中级 👉 [来自边缘的管道](https://extensions.sketchup.com/extension/0bfc733f-862a-46f4-bd0b-621a5d321ed4/dbs-pipes-from-edges)

基本(这个) 👉 [从线中绘制管道](https://extensions.sketchup.com/extension/0049a6c9-682c-4ef5-9574-3303ca82ba26/ Draw%20pipes%20from%20lines%20PRO)

# 查看更多和其他购买选项

描述:\uD83D\uDC49 cadbydbs.com
## Way of work:

– Select edges in the model where you would like to draw pipes
– Run extension from the menu – Draw Pipes From Lines PRO
– Set units, pipe dimensions, length offset and pipe roundness parameter
– Press the OK button
– If you would like to, copy the pipes list with their lengths from the generated report

# Check our 3 levels of Pipes extensions:

– Advanced 👉 [Pipes Tubes Profiles 2020](https://extensions.sketchup.com/extension/53d0af80-5a4d-4cb7-a823-8e7dfac3d6df/pipes-tubes-profiles-2020)

– Middle level 👉 [Pipes from edges](https://extensions.sketchup.com/extension/0bfc733f-862a-46f4-bd0b-621a5d321ed4/dbs-pipes-from-edges)

Basic (this one) 👉 [Draw pipes from lines](https://extensions.sketchup.com/extension/0049a6c9-682c-4ef5-9574-3303ca82ba26/Draw%20pipes%20from%20lines%20PRO)

# Check more and other purchase options


DBS – 从线中绘制管道