
## 用法

菜单窗口 → 工具栏编辑器

– 单击左侧的“+”按钮创建一个新的工具栏。您可以编辑工具栏名称或删除工具栏(“-”按钮)。

– 将可用按钮列表中的项目向左拖放到工具栏面板中。并非所有更改都可以立即应用,有些更改只能在下次启动 SketchUp 时应用。

– 单击右侧的“+”按钮创建一个新按钮。然后,您可以编写自己的 Ruby 代码或粘贴您在论坛上找到的一段 Ruby 代码。

## 捐款

With this extension you can create custom toolbars, select only buttons that you actually use, or combine buttons from different extensions.

## Usage

Menu Window → Toolbar Editor

– Click the “+” button on the left to create a new toolbar. You can edit the toolbar name or remove the toolbar (“-” button).

– Drag and drop items from the list of available buttons to the left into a toolbar panel. Not all changes can be applied immediately, some only on next start of SketchUp.

– Click the “+” button on the right to create a new button. You can then write your own Ruby code or paste a piece of Ruby code that you found on the forums.

## Donations

If you found this extension useful, you can [leave a tip](https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=LR4SJCCTUCKBN)!
