Cadman Report Tools 标签文件和组件的属性。

他们从包含标题和值行的 CSV 电子表格中读取。重要的是第一列必须包含组件名称或草图文件名。其余列可能是您想要的关于库存中每个组件的任何信息,例如每单位成本、功率要求、产品编号供应商、可用性等。

一个简单的 CSV 标题数据文件有两行。顶行是每个连续行的标题或类别字段。标签器将使用第一行值来构建输入对话框,第二行值将是对话框的默认值。 Cadman 报告工具被编写为从任何 CSV 文件中获取输入。

用户 Plugins/Cadman Report Tools 文件夹中有三个示例头文件供您开始使用。这些工具从这个标题和数据文件中读取以生成表格和报告。

作者:Mark C.
The Cadman Report Tools label attributes on files and components.

They read from a CSV spreadsheet with headers and rows of values. The important thing is that the FIRST COLUMN must contain a component name or a sketchup filename. The rest of the columns may be any information you want for each component in your inventory, for example cost per unit, power requirements, product numbers suppliers, availability etc..

A simple CSV Header Data file has two rows. The top row is the Headers or category fields for each successive row. The top row of values will be used by the labeler to build the Input dialog, and the second row of values will be the default values for the dialog box. The Cadman Report Tools are written to take input from any CSV file. 

There are three sample header files in the user Plugins/ Cadman Report Tools folder for your use to get you started. The tools read from this Header & Data file to generate forms and reports.

IMPORTANT spreadsheet structure:
