Cadman Inc. 的 Snap Connector 工具,用于 SketchUp。 SnapConnector tm 让您可以将捕捉点放置到 SketchUp 中的组和组件中,然后快速对齐这些点,将它们捕捉在一起。非常适合产品组装工作。

一旦将 snapconnectors 放置在您的组和组件中:

1. 单击黄点移动到其他地方。
2. 点变为橙色作为要移动的点。
3. 单击绿点将对象移动到。
使用 LeftArrow 键围绕世界绿色 (Y) 轴旋转
5. 使用向下箭头键精确对齐卡扣连接器,然后向上、向右和向左箭头键围绕对齐的卡扣连接器各自的轴工作。
6. 点击 Ctrl 键 [Mac 上的选项] 将内容的副本放置在选定的“对齐”点。

7. snap connector工具提示会使用Name属性的一个
作者:Mark C.
Snap Connector tool by Cadman Inc. for SketchUp. The SnapConnector tm lets you place snap points into Groups and Components in SketchUp, and then quickly align those points, snapping them together. Great for product assembly work.

Once snapconnectors are placed within your groups and components:

1. Click on a Yellow dot to move somewhere else.
2. The dot turns Orange as the point to be moved.
3. Click on a Green dot to move the object to.
4. Use the UpArrow key to rotate the moved stuff around the world Blue (Z) axis
    Use the RightArrow key to rotate around the world Red (X) axis
    Use the LeftArrow key to rotate around the world Green (Y) axis
5. Use the DownArrow key to align the snap connectors exactly, then the Up, Right, and Left arrow keys work about the aligned snap connectors respective axes.
6. Tap the Ctrl key [Option on the Mac] to place a copy of the stuff at the selected ‘snap to’ point.

7. The snap connector tool tip will use the Name attribute of a
