Cadman 的 Sandbox Bonus Tools 添加了 Sandbox 工具的功能。 Sandbox Bonus Tools 使在整个设计过程中处理地形变得更加有趣和互动。


1. 为网格的每个正方形输入您想要的大小。输入一个负数(不带单位)以按该数字细分格网范围。

2. 指定您希望网格投影到的方向(顶部、底部、前部、后部、左部、右部)。

3. 为分片因子输入一个数字。

当网格覆盖在不规则形状上时,每个三角形的长度被拉伸得比步骤 #1 中指定的基本方形尺寸更长。还有更多的拉伸投影表面或物体越陡峭。分片因子表示基本平方大小的乘数
作者:Mark C.
The Sandbox Bonus Tools by Cadman add to the functionality of the Sandbox tools. The Sandbox Bonus Tools make working with terrain more fun and interactive throughout the entire design process.

The Project Mesh tool projects a regular surface grid onto a selection. The new surface grid is a quad face mesh and is compatible with quadface tools. Select the surface or objects upon which you want a grid mesh then

1. Enter the size you want for each square of the mesh grid. Enter a negative number (without units) to subdivide the extents of the grid by that number.

2. Specify which direction you want the mesh projected onto (Top, Bottom, Front, Back, Left, Right).

3. Enter a number for a shard factor. 

As a grid is draped over an irregular shape, the length of each triangle gets stretched longer than the base square size specified in step #1. There is more stretch the steeper the projection surface or objects. The shard factor indicates a multiplier of the base square size be
