MeshWrapper 工具

包裹对象工具在对象周围放置一个统一的网格。不同的网格投影每个都是整个 MeshWrapper 组中的一个组。每个网格由一个四边形面组成,并与四边形面工具兼容。





Stitch edges:网格的子组彼此分开,但是当 S滴答声
作者:Mark C.
The MeshWrapper Tools 
Watch the videos to gain a working understanding of the tools.

The Wrap Objects tool puts a uniform grid mesh around an object(s). The different grid projections are each a group within an overall MeshWrapper group. Each grid mesh is composed of a quad faces, and is compatible with quad face tools.

Select the object(s) to be wrapped with a mesh. Then fill out the Gridding Options dialog:

the Grid spacing size. If this number is a negative number, the longest dimension of the object(s) will be subdivided by that number to set the grid size.

the mesh projection style, either all around (surround), Top and Bottom, Front and Back, or Right and Left. 

the Shard filter specifies a grid edge multiplier. When an edge’s length exceeds this multiplier, its triangle will be left out of the final mesh. 

Stitch edges: The subgroups of the mesh are separate from one another, but their perimeter grid cells can be adjusted to match each other when the Stitch e

MeshWrapper 工具