
此脚本允许您选择 2 个顶点。然后它从第一个顶点获取 YZ 坐标,从第二个顶点获取 X 坐标,并使用这两个点创建一个新点,并在该位置添加一个构造点。

插件 > Chris Fullmer 工具 > YZ + X。选择第一个点,然后选择第二个。它将添加一个构造点。如果模型轴已更改,此插件将无法正常工作。所以先重置模型轴 – 抱歉!
描述:Chris Fullmer 自 2009 年以来一直在编写 SketchUp 插件。在加州大学伯克利分校期间,他专注于创建扩展以帮助改进景观建模过程。 \n\nChris 现在在 Trimble 担任 SketchUp 可扩展性产品经理。
This script is highly specialized, I don’t recommend downloading and installing it unless you know you need it. Which you probably don’t. Seriously.

This script lets you pick 2 vertices. It then takes the YZ coordinates from the first vertex and the X coordinate from the 2nd vertex and use those 2 points to create a new point, and it adds a construction point in that location.

Plugins > Chris Fullmer Tools > YZ + X. Select the first point, then the 2nd. It will add a construction point. This plugin does not work right if the model axis has been altered. So reset the model axis first – sorry!