这个小扩展在 SketchUp 帮助菜单中添加了一个新闻浏览器。现在,您可以在一个地方关注新闻和教程博客文章,还可以关注推文和论坛讨论——甚至无需离开 SketchUp!单击链接将使您转到原始文章(在源网站上)。

屏幕左侧的新闻和教程来自各种来源,包括官方 Trimble 博客、SketchUcation 和各种其他教程站点(包括我的)。右侧汇总了有关 SketchUp 的推文以及来自 SketchUcation 和 SketchUp 自己的论坛的最新讨论。

我将任何来源可靠地发布良好信息并具有可访问的 RSS 提要包括在这个集合中。如果您知道应该包含在这里的好博客等,请在电子邮件中提出建议。

描述:马萨诸塞大学二级高级讲师,《Architectural Design with SketchUp》一书的作者。在推特上关注我:@alexschreyer 和@sketchup4design
This small extension adds a news browser to the SketchUp Help menu. Now you can follow news and tutorial blog posts but also tweets as well as forum discussions all in one place – without even leaving SketchUp! Clicking a link will get you to the original article (on the source website).

News items and tutorials on the left side of the screen come from a variety of sources, including the official Trimble blogs, SketchUcation and a variety of other tutorial sites (including mine). The right side aggregates tweets about SketchUp and the latest discussions from the SketchUcation and SketchUp’s own forums.

I included in this collection whatever source reliably publishes good information and has an accessible RSS feed. If you know of a good blog etc. that should be included here, please suggest it in an email.

Did you find this extension useful? Contribute to its development with any amount: https://bit.ly/alexschreyer-paypal

SketchUp 新闻查看器