地质学家的 Geopal 工具箱


三维(“3D”)视图是地球科学家的一项基本技能,“好的”3D 软件的帮助是一个明确的优势:它必须易于学习、操作简单、运行稳健且高效产生结果。它还必须便携且“流行”,以便与雇主、客户或同事进行轻松对话。它对个人来说也应该是相当便宜的。

在 Geopal,我们相信地质建模软件还有简化的空间。 SketchUp 为地球科学家提供了简单的 3D 查看。大系统在大型操作中可能仍然是必要的,但它们需要完全敬业的操作员。例如,我们在这里解决了地质学家晚上从野外工作回来的需求。

LandCruiser 而不是法拉利!

作者:andre L.
描述:André 正在比利时管理一家地质咨询公司:Geopal。\n他拥有列日大学的地质学和矿物学学士学位。\nAndré 的主要活动领域是黄金勘探,他已经投入了 22 年的职业生涯。其他13年
SketchUp:the best geologists tool, after a waterproof field book.

A three dimensional (“3D”) view is an essential skill for a geoscientist , and the assistance of a “good” 3D software is a definite advantage: it must be easy to learn, simple to operate, robust to run, and efficient in producing results.  It must also be portable and “popular”, so as to be accepted for easy dialogue with employers, clients or colleagues. It should also be reasonably inexpensive to individuals.

At Geopal, we believe that there is room towards simplicity for geological modelling softwares. SketchUp provides simplicity of a 3D viewing for geoscientists. Big systems may still be necessary at large operations, but they require fully dedicated operators . Here we address, for instance, the needs of a geologist coming back in the evening from field work. 

A LandCruiser rather than a Ferrari!

Relatively few dedicated applications are readily available to geologists. The most frequent application of

地质学家的 Geopal 工具箱