此扩展是 LSS Arch 扩展的简化版本,它只允许绘制和编辑基本建筑元素,例如墙、柱、板等。请注意,完整版本的 LSS Arch 允许附加标签、制作列表、建模高级几何比如栏杆之类的

– 墙壁
– 列
– 横梁
– 平板
– 坡度对象(例如屋顶)
– 开口
– 厚脸对象
– 3D 网格

– 可以重建手动编辑的(使用本机 SketchUp 工具)对象并更改所选对象的参数,这些对象以前是使用 LSS Arch Lite 扩展工具创建的。
– 使用“属性”对话框以批量方式编辑选定 LSS Arch 对象的属性

启用 LSS Arch Lite 工具栏
通过选择 SketchUp 主菜单>>查看>>工具栏…打开“工具栏”对话框
找到“LSS Arch Lite”t工具栏列表中的工具栏
选中相应的复选框以启用“LSS Arch Lite”工具栏
(可选)右键单击 SketchUp 工具栏区域的任意位置并启用“LSS Arch Lite”工具栏
作 者:基里尔
This extension is a simplified version of the LSS Arch extension and it allows to draw and edit only basic building elements, such as walls, columns, slabs etc. Note that full version of LSS Arch allows to attach labels, make lists, model advanced geometry like railings etc.

Extension allows to draw:
– walls
– columns
– beams
– slabs
– slope objects (for example roofs)
– openings
– thick face objects
– 3D meshes

– it is possible to rebuild manually edited (with native SketchUp tools) objects and to change parameters of selected objects, which were previously created using LSS Arch Lite extension tools.
– use ‘Properties’ dialog to edit attributes of selected LSS Arch objects in a batch manner

Getting Started
Enable LSS Arch Lite Toolbar
open ‘Toolbars’ dialog by choosing SketchUp Main Menu>>View>>Toolbars…
find ‘LSS Arch Lite’ toolbar within the list of toolbars
check corresponding checkbox to enable ‘LSS Arch Lite’ toolbar
(optional) right-click anywhere at SketchUp’s toolbar area and enable ‘LSS Arch Lite’ toolbar

LSS 建筑精简版