在完整版的 14 天免费试用期内对“3skeng Channel”进行测试!

在 www.3skeng.com 的“学习”部分,您可以下载 SketchUp 文件格式的学习材料,指导您完成 3skeng 扩展的基本处理!

3skeng Channel 是 MEP 和 3D 通道(例如矩形管道系统)的设计和文档的扩展。它是 3skeng 工程包的一部分,该包还包含 3skeng 管道、3skeng 支架和 3skeng 钢结构!

但是,让我们告诉大家更多有关 3skeng 的工具和功能的信息:

绘制矩形通道所需的一切都集成在这个强大的工具中。管道、T 型件、弯头和异径管也可以过渡到圆形管道系统,可以在顺畅直接的工作流程中生成并串联在一起。磁点和记忆功能是 t 的强大部分他在您的工作过程中提供工具并协助您。
顺便说一句,我们在编辑和连接复制期间为 3skeng 元素添加了改进的 IFC 属性处理!

3skeng 编辑和旋转
编辑和重新安排您的频道安排。编辑工具非常直观,几乎完全遵循您的想法。以您从 SketchUp 了解的方式使用磁点或数值输入。



选择模型的一部分或整个模型并生成包含详细部分 i 的列表信息。您可以通过剪贴板轻松地将列表内容传输到您自己的计算表或材料清单中。

使用您的 3skeng 客户端购买、安装和管理 3skeng 工具和管道库。

安装 3skeng
通过查看 www.3skeng.com 下载和常见问题解答页面上的“3skeng-Starting-Guide.pdf”,了解如何下载、安装、排除故障、激活和购买 3skeng

描述:3skeng 工具和库由 SHK 设计,SHK 是一家为高科技半导体行业工作的工程和咨询公司。我们的工程和软件团队携手合作,通过“SketchUp s
Put “3skeng Channel” to the test within a free 14 days trial period of the full version!

In the “learn” section of www.3skeng.com you can download learning material in SketchUp file format that guides you through the basic handling of 3skeng extensions!

3skeng Channel is an extension for the design and documentation of MEP and 3D channels (e.g. rectangular ductwork). It is part of the 3skeng engineering package that also contains 3skeng Pipe, 3skeng Mount and 3skeng Steelwork!

But let’s just tell you guys some more about the tools and features of 3skeng:

3skeng Channel
All you need to draw rectangular channels is integrated in this powerful tool. Channels, t-pieces, elbows and reducers also with transitions to round ductwork can be generated and strung together in a smooth and straight-forward workflow. Magnetic points and a memory function are powerful parts of the tool and assist you in your work process.
By the way, we added an improved handling of IFC-properties for 3skeng elements during edit and connect copy!

3skeng Edit & Rotate
Edit and re-arrange your Channel arrangements. The edit tool is so intuitive that it nearly follows alone your ideas. Use magnetic points or the input of numeric values in a way you know this from SketchUp.

3skeng Connect
Move or copy segments of a design to a new location. Magnetic points and lines will help you to connect the elements. With the new feature “Multicopy”, all selected elements stay glued to the mouse until you press “Escape”!

3skeng Label
This tool enables you to add multi- text and labels to groups and components. Various adjustable parameters allow individual adaptations to the particular label task at hand. During the automated alignment you determine the position and distance of the labels.

3skeng List
Select parts of your model or the entire model and generate a list with detailed part information. You can easily transfer the list content via the clipboard to your own calculation sheets or bill of materials.

3skeng Client
Use your 3skeng client to purchase, install and manage 3skeng tools and Pipe libraries.

Install 3skeng
Learn how to download, install, troubleshoot, activate and purchase 3skeng by checking out the “3skeng-Starting-Guide.pdf” available on the download and faq page of www.3skeng.com

Our privacy policy: http://www.3skeng.com/en/privacypolicy.htm.

3 skeng 2022频道