用于向模型添加和更新基准层的工具。对建筑设计师在 3d 中添加关卡信息很有用。附带一个视频,展示如何使用该工具以及刷新级别和编辑文本扩展。

作 者:弗朗西斯
描述:我是一名编写 Sketchup Ruby 扩展的架构师。
A tool to add and update datum levels to a model. Useful for building designers for adding level information in 3d. Comes with a video showing how to use the tool and the Refresh Levels and Edit Text extensions.

The changes in this version are
1, you can now change the text height above level marker to many level groups quickly and easily.
2, you can now edit the text characteristics in many level groups quickly and easily.
