使用 Augment 在增强现实中让您的产品栩栩如生。通过智能手机或平板电脑在真实环境中实时可视化您的模型。 Augment 的开放平台使上传、共享和可视化 3D 模型成为可能——从建筑物到家具,再到消费品等等。

Augment for Sketchup 插件让您可以无缝上传模型。快速轻松地将您的模型上传到 Augment。

从今天开始免费注册 Augment。

安装 SketchUp 插件:

1. 下载插件后,打开 SketchUp 软件。
2. 如果 SketchUp 在 Windows 上,转到菜单–>Windows–>首选项。
如果 SketchUp 在 Mac 上,请转到菜单–>SketchUp–>首选项。
3. 点击扩展–>安装扩展。
4. 找到 Augment 插件并单击确定。

使用圆锥tchUp 插件:

1. 进入菜单–>Plugin–>Augment Uploader。
2. 插件窗口打开。
描述:Augment 是领先的增强现实平台,可让您在增强现实中模拟 3D 模型。 Augment 的开放平台使上传、共享和可视化 3D 模型成为可能——从建筑到家具,再到消费品,
Bring your products to life in augmented reality with Augment.  Visualize your models in the real world environment in real time from your smartphone or tablet.  Augment’s open platform makes it possible to upload, share and visualize 3D models – from buildings, to furniture, to consumer goods, and more.

The Augment for Sketchup plugin makes uploading your models seamless.  Upload your models to Augment quickly and easily.

Get started today by signing up for Augment for free.

Installing the SketchUp plugin:

1. Once the plugin is downloaded, open the SketchUp software.
2. If SketchUp is on Windows, go to menu–>Windows–>preferences.
If SketchUp is on Mac, go to the menu–>SketchUp–>Preferences.
3. Click on Extensions–>Install Extension.
4. Locate the Augment plugin and click ok.
The Augment uploader has been added to the menu in Plugin.

Using The SketchUp plugin:

1. Go to the menu–>Plugin–>Augment Uploader.
2. The plugin window opens.
3. Login with Augment accoun

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