想象一下将 3D 模型变成 VR 场景,并想象在不到 5 分钟的时间内完成。难以置信不是吗?现在,AmbiensVR SketchUp 插件让这一切成为可能,这款创新工具可让您将静态模型实时转换为交互式体验,并可在所有平台上使用。
安装 AVR 插件,按下 AVR 按钮,然后……等待不到五分钟,魔法就会发生!
一旦您的 3d 模型准备好 VR,您将能够添加您可能需要的任何交互!


AmbiensVR 提供了特定的工具来编辑您的模型,选择交互式项目,例如滑动门、开门、切换材料家具。

在此处下载 CANVAS www.ambiensvr.com/en/

作者:Ennio P.
Imagine turning 3D models into VR scenes, and imagine doing it in less than 5 minutes. Unbelievable isn’t it? Now it’s all possible with AmbiensVR SketchUp Plugin, the innovative tool that allows you to transform a static model into an interactive experience in real time and available on all platforms.
Install AVR Plugin, push the AVR button and…wait less than five minutes for tha magic to happen!
Once your 3d model is VR-ready, you will be able to add any interaction you may need!


AmbiensVR provides specific tools to edit your model, choosing interactive items such as sliding doors, opening doors, switching-material furniture.

Download CANVAS here www.ambiensvr.com/en/

if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us: info@ambiensvr.com

AmbiensVR SketchUp 插件