

要定义您自己的横截面,请将其绘制为 xy 平面中的一个面并选择它。在 Loop/Ring Parameters 对话框中设置 “Strip type” = “Selected face” 以将其用作横截面。对于更光滑的表面,将长直线分成更小的线段。

作者:Jens J. Nielsen
Create a closed ring/strip with one or more loops. The cross section is either a rectangle, an ellipse (e.g. a circle) or a user defined geometry. Add a number of twists, which are either internal (rotating around the center of the cross section) or external (rotating around a point offset from the center of the cross section).

This tool produces the famous Möbius strip and many variants related to this fascinating object. Use the default settings to produce the Möbius strip.

To define your own cross section draw it as a face in the xy-plane and select it. In the Loop/Ring Parameters dialog set “Strip type” = “Selected face” to use it as the cross section. For smoother surfaces break long straight lines into smaller segments.

The time to produce the model varies with the number of loops and the selected level of detail. Start out with the Detail set to Coarse and then go to finer levels of detail once the design is ok. Increasing the level of detail one step multiplies the num
