使用 Print a Thing 进行 3D 打印

此扩展允许您轻松地将您的创作上传到 Print a Thing 3D 打印服务,以获得即时报价、快速周转和高质量打印。有关如何使用它的更多信息,请观看我们的视频。


Print a Thing 让您可以利用遍布美国的优质 3D 打印机的分布式网络。我们希望通过技术让世界变得更美好,我们将民主化 3D 打印视为实现这一目标的一种方式。当任何人都可以以合理的价格制作出完全独特的实物,而无需拥有和操作自己的 3D 打印机的资金或技术技能时,一种全新的创造力将在全世界释放。我们建立 Print a Thing 是希望它能成为一股积极的力量,为各地的初创企业、DIY 爱好者和创新精神注入活力。

This extension allows you to easily upload your creations to the Print a Thing 3D Printing service for an instant quote, fast turn around, and high quality prints.  See our video for more information on how to use it.

About Print a Thing

Print a Thing allows you to leverage a distributed network of quality 3D printers across the US. We want to change the world for the better through technology, and we see democratized 3D printing as one way to do it. When anyone can make completely unique physical objects at a reasonable price, without having the money or technical skills to own and operate a 3D printer of their own, a whole new creative energy will be released throughout the world. We built Print a Thing in the hopes that it would be a positive force for startups, do-it-yourselfers and creative spirits everywhere.

使用 Print a Thing 进行 3D 打印