此扩展包含一组工具,用于根据图像、吸引子(附近的其他对象)或数学公式(幂或正弦/余弦)缩放/移动/旋转多个对象/面/顶点。许多参数可用于定制每个工具以实现特定的解决方案。这个扩展结合了我的书中的几个脚本和 sketchupfordesign.com 上的教程,并使它们在一个包中可用。

– 按图像变换对象
– 通过吸引子变换对象- 通过幂方程变换对象
– 通过正弦/余弦方程变换对象
– 按图像推/拉面孔
– 按图像移动顶点



描述:马萨诸塞大学二级高级讲师,《Architectural Design with SketchUp》一书的作者。在推特上关注我:@alexschreyer 和@sketchup4design
This extension contains a set of tools to scale / move / rotate several objects / faces / vertices based on an image, attractors (other objects in proximity), or a mathematical formula (power or sine / cosine). Many parameters are available to tailor each tool to achieve a specific solution. This extension combines several of my scripts from my book and tutorials on sketchupfordesign.com and makes them available in a single package.

Specifically, these tools are available:
– Transform Objects by Image
– Transform Objects by Attractors
– Transform Objects by Power Equation
– Transform Objects by Sine/Cosine Equation
– Push/Pull Faces by Image
– Move Vertices by Image

See the screenshots for examples of what can be done with this extension. You can use image data to modify your designs and/or employ a simple mathematical equation to drive parameters in one dimension or all three. A manual is available at the link below.

Did you find this extension useful? Contribute to its development with any amount: https://bit.ly/alexschreyer-paypal

Show off your work: Did you create something amazing with this extension? I would love to see it! You can upload an image on my site at the link below.
