“MAJ Rail”插件可帮助您创建 3 种类型的轨道。 Sketchup 的状态栏可帮助您在使用此插件时制作导轨和使用活动键。
此版本已在 Windows 和 Mac 操作系统上进行了全面测试。

MAJ 插件列表:

3-“少校墙”。允许您创建具有 3 个不同层的墙。
4-“MAJ 门”。这个插件在“MAJ Wall”制作的墙上制作门。
5-“主要窗口”。这个插件在“MAJ Wall”制作的墙上制作窗户。
6-“MAJ Follow Me”。让我们通过选择一个面来创建 3D 形状at 跟随您的鼠标指针。
7-“MAJ 铁路”。这个插件有助于创建 3 种不同类型的导轨。
8-“MAJ 楼梯”。这个插件制作了 4 种不同厚度类型的楼梯。

1-“MAJ 内饰”。可耐福、檐口、墙面内饰、踢脚线和地板一键制作。
3-“MAJ Follow Me”。付费版本允许创建无限制的面孔列表和面孔旋转。
4-“MAJ 铁路”。付费版本中有 6 种类型的导轨。
作者:Majid M.
The “MAJ Rail” plugin helps you to create 3 types of rails. Sketchup’s status bar helps you make rails and use the active keys when using this plugin.
This version is completely tested on both Windows and Mac operating systems.

MAJ Plugins List:

Free Plugins:
1- “MAJ Beam”. Helps you create beams.
2- “MAJ Column”. A must-have to create columns quickly and efficiently.
3- “MAJ Wall”. Allows you to create walls with 3 different layers.
4- “MAJ Door”. This plugin makes doors in the walls made by “MAJ Wall”.
5- “MAJ Window”. This plugin makes windows in the walls made by “MAJ Wall”.
6- “MAJ FollowMe”. Let’s create 3D shapes by choosing a face that follows your mouse pointer.
7- “MAJ Rail”. This plugin facilitates creating rails in 3 different types.
8- “MAJ Stair”. This plugin makes stairs in 4 different thickness types.

Paid Plugins:
1- “MAJ Interior”. Knauf, Cornice, Wall Interior, Baseboard, and Floor made with one click.
2- “MAJ Light”. Helps you create halogen lamps made on Knauf.
3- “MAJ FollowMe”. The paid version allows the creation of an unlimited face list and face rotation.
4- “MAJ Rail”. 6 types of rails in the paid version.
